RB-38-2007 Registration of Changes in the ComArch S.A.\'s Statute

ComArch S.A.'s Management Board informs that on 19 July 2007 received notice, dated 12 July 2007, concerning registration by the District Court for Kraków-Sródmiescie, XI Economic Division of the National Court Register of changes in the company's Statute resolved by the General Meeting on 28 June 2007.

Pursuant to the above-said notice:
1. previous article 8, section 4 of the Company's Statute:
"4. In case of disposing of registered preferential shares for the benefit of persons who were not shareholders of the Company on 18 March 1998, specific rights for voting in the General Meeting related to it expire."

is worded as follows:
"4. Disposal of registered preferential share results in expiration of specific rights for voting in the General Meeting related to it, whereat the following circumstances doesn't result in expiration of specific rights for voting in the General Meeting related to it:
a) disposal for the benefit of persons who were shareholders of the Company on 18 March 1998,
b) disposal for the benefit of descendants of a disposer,
c) conveying property of a registered share as a result of succession."

2. previous article 9, section 3 of the Company's Statute:
"3. In the period by 29 June 2007, the Management Board is authorised to increase the share capital by the amount of 1,100,000.00 PLN (in words: one million one hundred thousand PLN) (the target capital). "

is worded as follows:
"3. In the period by 27 June 2010, the Management Board is authorised to increase the share capital by the amount of 1,100,000.00 PLN (in words: one million one hundred thousand PLN) (the target capital)."

The unified text of ComArch S.A.'s Statute, registered with the decision of the Court of 12 July 2007, is attached: Statue of ComArch S.A. (80,4kB).