RB-28-2010 Registration of Changes in the ComArch S.A. Statute

ComArch S.A.’s Management Board informs that on the 12th of August, 2010 received notice, dated the 30th of July, 2010, concerning registration by the District Court for Kraków-Śródmieście, XI Economic Division of the National Court Register of changes in the company’s Statute resolved by the General Meeting on the 28th of June, 2010

Pursuant to the above-said notice,
1. previous article 1 section 1 and 2 of the company’s statute:
“1. The Company operates under the company name of ComArch Spółka Akcyjna.
2. The Company may use an abbreviated name with the following wording: ComArch S.A.”
is worded as follows:
“1. The Company operates under the Company name of Comarch Spółka Akcyjna.
2. The Company may use an abbreviated name with the following wording: Comarch S.A.”

2. in article 4 after pt 47) we add new points 48) – 52):
“48) execution of building projects associated with raising buildings (41.10.Z PKD),
49) construction activities associated with raising residential and non-residential buildings (41.20.Z PKD),
50) activities associated with construction of telecommunications lines and electrical power engineering (42.22.Z),
51) activities associated with the construction of remaining objects of civil and water engineering (42.9 PKD),
52) construction of electric and water-sewer installations, as well as remaining construction installations (43.2. PKD).”

3. previous article 9 section 3 of the company’s statute:
“3. In the period by 27 June 2010, the Management Board is authorised to increase the share capital by the amount of 1,100,000.00 PLN (in words: one million one hundred thousand) (the target capital).”
is worded as follows:
“3. In the period by 27 June 2013, the Management Board is authorised to increase the share capital by the amount of 500,000.00 PLN (in words: five hundred thousand) (the target capital).”

4. previous article 9 section 4 of the company’s Statute:
“The Management Board may execute the authorization referred to in Para 3 by way of one or several consecutive increases in the share capital within the limits set forth in Para 3.”
is worded as follows:
“4. The Management Board may execute the authorization referred to in Para 3 by way of one or several consecutive increases in the share capital within the limits set forth in Para 3. The target capital may be used only in order to grant shares to the company’s employees in frames of the managerial options programme passed by the General Meeting.”

5. previous article 14 of the company’s Statute:
“1. There are ordinary and extraordinary General Meetings.
2. The Management Board convenes the Ordinary General Meeting by the end of every June at the latest.
3. The Management Board of the Company convenes the Extraordinary General Meeting on its own initiative or on a written application of the Supervisory Board or on the application of a shareholder or shareholder representing at least 1/10 part of the share capital.
4. The Supervisory Board convenes the General Meeting:
1) In case when the Management Board did not convene the Ordinary General Meeting within the period set forth in the law,
2) If, despite the filed application referred to in the agreement in Para 3, the Management Board of the Company did not convene the Extraordinary General Meeting within 2 weeks of the date of filing the application by the Supervisory Board.
5. A shareholder or shareholders representing at least 1/10 part of the share capital may demand including specific issues in the agenda of the nearest General Meeting. Such a demand shall be filed with the Management Board in writing one month before the proposed date of the General Meeting at the latest.
6. Meeting are held in the office of the Company.”
is worded as follows:
1. There are ordinary and extraordinary General Meetings.
2. The Management Board convenes the Ordinary General Meeting. The Supervisory Board may convene the Ordinary General Meeting if the Management Board of the Company does not convene it in the time specified in this part or in the Statute. It may also convene the Extraordinary General Meeting if in the opinion of the Supervisory Board it is recommended.
3. The Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened by:
1) Management Board of the Company - on its own initiative
2) Management Board of the Company - on a written or electronic application of a shareholder or shareholders representing at least a 1/20 portion of the share capital.
3) Shareholders representing at least ½ of the share capital or at least ½ of the total number of votes in the company.
4. A shareholder or shareholders representing at least a 1/20 portion of the share capital may demand the inclusion of specific issues in the agenda of the nearest General Meeting. Such a demand, with its justification or project of a resolution related to the proposed agenda point, shall be filed with the Management Board no later than twenty one days before the proposed date of the General Meeting. It shall be filed in writing or sent in electronic form to the e-mail address specified in section 7. The Management Board is required to announce changes in the General Meeting’s agenda which were introduced upon shareholders’ demand, immediately but not later than eighteen days before the proposed date of the General Meeting.
5. The General Meeting of the Company is convened by an announcement on the Company’s website and by way of current reports specified for publishing, pursuant to the rules for public tenders, the terms for introducing and trading financial instruments on the stock exchange, as well as public companies, twenty-six days before the proposed date of the General Meeting at the latest.
6. The announcement of the General Meeting includes:
a) the website address, where all information related to the General Meeting will be published
b) the specific address which shall be used in relation to the Company’s General Meeting
7.  A shareholder or shareholders representing at least a 1/20 portion of the share capital may report to the Company, before the nearest General Meeting, in writing or sent in electronic form, projects of resolutions related to issues already on the agenda of the Meeting or issues which shall be introduced to the Meeting agenda.
8. Meetings are held in the office of the Company.
9. Participation in the General Meeting is also possible via electronic means of communication, i.e. Internet, unless art. 406(5) of the Commercial Companies Code.”

The unified text of ComArch S.A.’s Statute, registered with the decision of the Court of the 30th of July, 2010, is attached.

Statute of ComArch S.A.pdf (232kB)