RB-27-2010 A framework agreement signed by E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH & Co. KG

In relation to report no. 25/2009 dated the 10th of November, 2009 and updated by report no. 3/2010 dated the 28th of February, 2010, report  no.
11/2010 dated the 18th of May, 2010, and report no. 26/2010 dated the 30th of July, 2010, and in regards to the letter of intent signed between a subsidiary - Comarch AG and E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH&Co. KG, and pursuant to §
5 sec. 1 point 3) of the regulation issued by the Minister of Finance on the 19th of February, 2009 concerning current and periodical information pertaining to companies traded on the stock exchange and on the conditions for recognizing the equivalence of information required by legal regulations binding in a country which is not a member state, the Management Board of Comarch S.A. hereby announces that on the 11th of August, 2010, a Next Generation Network Planning Service Agreement between Comarch AG, a subsidiary of Comarch S.A., and E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH & Co. KG  was signed.
The framework of the agreement covers the delivery of an integrated OSS platform designed for planning, inventory and configuration of a mobile operator's mobile network (radio, transport and core) as well as the reengineering of operational processes at E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH & Co. The agreement also includes further development and maintenance of the platform, which is based on the Comarch OSS Suite. The platform will be delivered in the SaaS (Software as a Service) model, and it is to be hosted by Comarch as a whole. Maintenance and further development services will be provided within five years with possible extension for the following years. The value of the agreement during the initial contract period is approximately
42,025,286 Euro, i.e. 166,953,854 PLN. The total amount of contractual penalties cannot exceed 8.9 percent of the agreement value. The payment of contractual penalties does not exclude the possibility of a claim for damages in an amount exceeding the value of these penalties. The agreement will enter into force upon acceptance by the major shareholder of E-Plus - Royal KPN N.V. established in Hague, Netherlands (condition precedent).

The implementation of the Next Generation Network Planning platform is a complex project covering: business process optimization in the network planning area, integration with external parties to whom network maintenance is outsourced, further development of the platform encompassing integration with radio, transport and core network elements delivered by the largest equipment vendors, and finally the takeover of some of the operator's existing systems. The agreement sets out a modern concept of service delivery and service quality monitoring, as well as platform maintenance.

Because of the complexity of the implementation and maintenance projects, its high operational risk, high project delivery costs, and high level of potential contractual penalties, a dedicated risk monitoring program will be established to govern the delivery of the Next Generation Network Planning platform.

The platform delivered as a result of this service agreement will be used by Comarch for the delivery of services to other mobile network operators and is part of Comarch's strategy to deliver open service platforms.

The agreement meets the criteria of a significant agreement because the value of the agreement subject exceeds 10% of the equity of Comarch S.A.

A significant part of the services delivered within the scope of this service agreement will be performed by Comarch S.A within the framework of subcontracting agreements signed between Comarch AG and Comarch S.A.

Due to the contract's conclusion and in accordance to § 5 sec. 1 point 7 of the Regulation issued by the Minister of Finance on the 19th of February,
2009 concerning current and periodical information pertaining to companies traded on the stock exchange and on the conditions for recognizing the equivalence of information required by legal regulations binding in a country which is not a member state, ComArch S.A.'s Management Board informs of the granting of a guarantee by the issuer for the benefit of E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH&Co. KG. This guarantee has been provided for the duration of the contract with E-Plus and guarantees the satisfactory fulfillment of any obligations resulting from the contract by Comarch AG, a subsidiary of Comarch S.A. The value of the guarantee equals the value of the contract with E-Plus, and in the first period of the term of the agreement amounts to
42,025,286 Euro i.e. 166,953,854 PLN. The financial conditions, that the guarantee was provided on, do not differ from the market conditions.