RB-26-2009 Contract with Łęgprzem sp. z o.o. for the Realisation of the Fourth Stage of Construction in the Investment of the Special Economic Zone in Krakow

ComArch S.A.’s Management Board reports that on the 16th of November, 2009, ComArch S.A. signed an agreement with Łęgprzem sp. z o.o. with its registered seat in Krakow, for the realization of the fourth stage of construction in the investment of the Special Economic Zone in Krakow. The subject of the contract is the construction of a production and office building, with five thousand square meters of total space (5,227.63 m2), including traffic and technical infrastructure. The value of this agreement amounts to 23.97 million PLN and the planned date of completion for this investment is the 30th of April, 2011.