RB-23-2009 Registration of Name Changes for Subsidiaries in Germany

The ComArch S.A. Management Board informs that on the 17th of September, 2009, the District Court for Munich (Handelsregister B des Amtsgerichts Munchen-Registergericht) registered a name change for SoftM Systemintegration GmbH, a subsidiary of SoftM Software und Beratung AG, to  Comarch Systemintegration GmbH. The ComArch S.A. Management Board also informs that on the 21st of September, 2009, the District Court for Munich (Handelsregister B des Amtsgerichts Munchen-Registergericht) registered a name change for SoftM Solutions GmbH, a subsidiary of SoftM Software und Beratung AG, to Comarch Solutions GmbH. ComArch Software AG, a subsidiary of ComArch S.A. took over SoftM Software und Beratung AG in 2008/2009 (the issuer announced details in current reports no. 28/2008, 29/2008, 32/2008 and 6/2009).