RB-22-2007 Contract with TeleYemen

Pursuant to Art. 56 sec. 1 pt 1) of the Act concerning public tenders, the terms of introducing and trading financial instruments on the stock exchange as well as public companies, ComArch S.A.'s Management Board announces that received a confidential information in relation to a contract singed between ComArch S.A. and TeleYemen (Yemen International Telecommunications) with its registered seat in Yemen.

The scope of the agreement are sales of licences and implementation of Comarch BSS billing platform. The value of this agreement amounts to  2,100,800.00 USD. TeleYemen is the largest operator that renders services of international telephone connections and CDMA mobile telephony in Yemen. Beside the projects that are managed in Yemen and United Arab Emirates, the signed contract, is another step in strengthening of ComArch's position in the orient, the region of great demand on advanced services and IT systems.