RB-19-2010 Selection of an Auditor Entitled to Audit and Review Financial Statements

Pursuant to § 5 sec. 1 pt. 19) of the Regulation issued by the Minister of Finance on the 19th of February, 2009 concerning current and periodical information pertaining to companies traded on the stock exchange and on the conditions for recognizing the equivalence of information required by legal regulations binding in a country which is not a member state, the Management Board of ComArch S.A. announces that with resolution no. 1/6/2010, dated the 21st of June, 2010, according to article 19 section 2 pt 2e) of the company's Statute, pursuant to binding law and professional standards, the Supervisory Board of ComArch S.A. selected BDO Sp. z o. o., with its registered seat in Warsaw at ul. Postępu 12, registered at no. 3355 in the list of entities entitled to audit financial statements (endorsed by the National Board of Expert Auditors in Poland) to audit and review the financial statements of ComArch S.A. The Supervisory Board has given permission to conclude an agreement within the scope of:

A) Reviewing the consolidated financial statement of ComArch S.A. for the first 6 months of 2010,
B) Auditing the annual financial statement of ComArch S.A. and the annual consolidated financial statement of ComArch S.A for the 12 months of 2010.

An agreement with BDO Sp. z o. o. shall be concluded for a one year period.
ComArch S.A. has not yet used the services of BDO Sp. z o.o.