RB-18-2011 Increase in Share in Comarch Software und Beratung AG Share Capital

In consequence of the completion of the subscription for Comarch Software und Beratung AG (“Comarch SuB”) shares carried out between the 18th of August and 31st of August, 2011 within the frame of an increase in its share capital (resolution of the company’s annual general shareholders’ meeting dated the 8th of June, 2011), Comarch AG, and Comarch SA’s subsidiary, acquired 3,988,288 Comarch SuB shares for the total price of 6,780,089.6 euro (1.7 euro per 1 share) and as of today holds 5,735,713 Comarch SuB shares and 92.32 % in Comarch SuB share capital. They are entitled to 5,735,713 votes at the company’s general meeting (92.32 % of total votes).