RB-18-2009 Purchase of Significant Value Assets

ComArch S.A.’s Management Board announced that on the 31st of July, 2009, ComArch S.A. with its registered seat in Krakow, purchased 500 shares (nominal value of 100 PLN each) in SoftM Polska Sp. z o.o. (Limited liability company) with its registered seat in Poznań, Poland for the total amount of 298,300.00 PLN.

The acquisition was carried out in relation to a contract concluded with SoftM Sofware und Beratung AG, with its registered seat in Munich. Purchase price of 1 share was 596.6 PLN. The total nominal value of purchased shares amounts to 50,000.00 PLN and they constitute 100 % of the company’s share capital. They entitle the company to 500 votes at the company’s general meeting. The total balance sheet value of purchased assets is 298,300 PLN. ComArch S.A. purchased the above-mentioned shares via internal means. This is a long-term investment of the issuer. SoftM Polska Sp. z o.o. is an IT company operating within the scope of production and maintenance of ERP systems. It is planned for the company to continue its activities according to its profile. SoftM Software und Beratung AG is a subsidiary of ComArch Software AG, with its registered seat in Dresden. ComArch Software AG is a subsidiary of ComArch S.A.
The purchased shares were considered significant as ComArch S.A.’s share in SoftM Polska Sp. z o.o. now exceeds 20 %.