RB-17-2007 Contract with Ministry of Finance

Pursuant to &5 sec. 1 pt. 3 of the Regulation issued by the Minister of Finance on 19 October 2005 concerning current and periodical information pertaining to companies traded on the stock exchange, the Management Board of ComArch S.A. announces that on 31 May 2007 a contract between ComArch S.A. (ComArch) and Ministry of Finance with its registered seat in Warsaw, at ul. Swietokrzyska 12 (MF) was signed.

This is contract for hardware and software delivery and services rendering for Poltax system. The gross value of this agreement amounts to 27,596,797.72 PLN. Hardware and software delivery and services rendering related to delivery will be executed during 3 months, and within the framework of dedicated support services rendering, the scope of the agreement will be executed during 3 years from the date of delivery and execution of associated services.

The following cases that may cause payment of contractual penalties are considered in the agreement:
1. Exceeding of the total time when it is impossible to use the equipment and software -ComArch will pay to MF a contractual penalty in the amount of 5,000 PLN (for each started hour over acceptable period of stoppage during the year; there is no penalty limit).
2. Failure to execute repairing date- ComArch will pay to MF a contractual penalty in the amount of 5,000 PLN (for each started hour over acceptable period of stoppage during the year; there is no penalty limit).
3. Failure to execute dates of other repairs- ComArch will pay to MF a contractual penalty in the amount of 500 PLN (for each exceeded hour; there is no penalty limit).
4. Failure to execute the dates related to repair or equipment replacement within a guarantee service- ComArch will pay to MF a contractual penalty in the amount of 1,000 PLN (for each started day of delay).
5. Penalties that are listed in points 1-4 will be charged independently.
6. Failure to execute completion date within the framework of software and hardware delivery and services related to delivery- ComArch will pay to MF a contractual penalty in the amount of 30,000 PLN for each started day of delay.
7. Failure to execute completion date within the framework of services related to delivery- ComArch will pay to MF a contractual penalty in the amount of 3,000 PLN for each started day of delay.
8. Failure to execute completion date of the Dedicated Technical Support- ComArch will pay to MF a contractual penalty in the amount of 1,000 PLN for each started day of delay.
9. MF is entitled to sue for damages on general principles.
The value of the company's total equity constitutes the significant agreement's criterion.