RB-14-2007 Decrease in BZ WBK AIB Asset Management S.A.\'s Share in the Total Number of Votes at the General Meeting of ComArch S.A.

Pursuant to Art. 70, sec. 1 of the Act concerning public tenders, the terms of introducing and trading financial instruments on the stock exchange as well as public companies (Journal of Laws No. 184, pos. 1539), the Management Board of ComArch S.A. hereby presents the following information on decrease in BZ WBK AIB Asset Management S.A.'s share in the total number of votes at general meeting of ComArch S.A.:

"Pursuant to Art. 69, sec 2, pt 1a) in relation to art. 87, sec. 3, lit. b) of the Act concerning public tenders, the terms of introducing and trading financial instruments on the stock exchange as well as public companies (Journal of Laws No. 184, pos. 1539), BZ WBK AIB Asset Management S.A. having its registered seat in Poznan, informs that, as result of disposal of the shares, which was settled on 17 May 2007, clients of BZ WBK AIB Asset Management S.A. decreased by over 2 % their participation in total number of votes at ComArch S.A.'s annual general meeting. They held over 10 % of total number of votes at ComArch S.A.'s annual general meeting up to the present (Company informed about BZ WBK AIB Asset Management S.A.'s share of 12.13 % in total number of votes at ComArch S.A.'s annual general meeting in current report 46/2006).

Prior to the above-mentioned share decrease, clients of BZ WBK AIB Asset Management S.A. held 1,524,528 of the Company's shares, which constituted 19.15 % of the Company's share capital. This gave 1,524,528 or 10.14 % of the total votes at ComArch S.A.'s annual general meeting.

On 17 May 2007, there were 1,513,179 ComArch S.A. shares in the managed securities accounts of BZ WBK AIB Asset Management S.A. clients, which constituted 19.01 % of the Company's share capital. This gave 1,513,179 or 10.07 % of the total votes at ComArch S.A.'s annual general meeting.

At the same time, BZ WBK AIB Asset Management S.A. informed that pursuant to art. 46, sec. 1, pt 1) of the Act on investment funds dated 27 May 2004 (Journal of Laws No. 146, pos. 1546, and subsequent changes), BZ WBK AIB Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych Spólka Akcyjna authorised BZ WBK AIB Asset Management S.A. to manage investment portfolioes of investment funds, whose body Towarzystwo is. With relation to authorisation mentioned above, this notice ought to take into account ComArch S.A. shares, which are held by funds."