RB-1-2009 Change in Rights Attached to Series A Shares

The Management Board of ComArch S.A. announces that due to the request of a shareholder and pursuant to resolution no. 1/21/2008 of ComArch S.A.’s Management Board passed on the 1st of December, 2008, the  rights attached to 9,400 series A shares have been changed

1) issuer’s shares related to this change:
- 9,400 registered preference series A shares
2) legal basis of taken action:
- Article 8 section 1 and 3 of ComArch S.A.’s Statute,
- Resolution no. 1/21/2008 of ComArch S.A.’s Management Board passed on the 1st of December, 2008,
- Resolution No. 700/08 of the Management Board of the National Deposit for Securities dated the 23rd of December, 2008.
3) rights attached to shares before and after conversion
- before conversion – registered preferential shares for voting so that 5 votes in the General Meeting correspond with each share,
- after conversion – ordinary bearer shares with no preferences.
4) number of converted registered preference shares: 9,400
5) number of votes at the issuer’s general meeting after conversion: 14,954,196