Comarch WristBand Plus

Comarch WristBand Plus is a next-generation mobile assistant designed to provide comprehensive telecare. Designed for seniors, it is an ideal solution for individuals seeking to enhance their quality of daily life and increase their safety. The WristBand Plus enables quick contact with medical rescuers or designated emergency contacts, allows for summoning help in life-threatening situations, facilitates user location tracking, and conducts basic activity measurements. 

The device is equipped with: 

  • 2 buttons (including an SOS button marked in red and Braille alphabet)
  • LCD screen displaying messages (e.g., current time, low battery, network errors). The band transmits information to the application or medical rescue system via LTE network
  • several voice prompts to facilitate operation

Key features of the solution include: 

Comarch WristBand

Comarch WristBand is a digital caregiver always at hand. Alongside a mobile application and telecare services provided by the dedicated medical rescue team it addresses the needs of seniors, those who are not fully independent, and individuals with chronic illnesses. The ability for immediate contact, sending SOS signals, GPS location tracking, fall detection, and monitoring heart rate irregularities are just a few of the features offered by the Comarch WristBand. 

Three large buttons make it easy for seniors to use the device: 

  • The button marked with a red cross and Braille alphabet is used for initiating emergency calls to assigned numbers or rescuers
  • The functional button is responsible for ending voice calls and playing voice messages about battery status, current time, and the number of steps taken
  • The call button is used for making and receiving calls

Key features of the solution include: 

Comarch WristBand Pocket

Comarch WristBand Pocket is a discreet and compact alternative to WristBands. It allows for quick contact with rescuers or designated contacts, whose numbers are assigned to it in the mobile application. The keychain conducts activity measurements that do not require direct contact with the skin. 

The solution provides:

  • making voice calls and calling for help in life-threatening situations 
  • user location tracking 
  • setting a series of medication reminders 

Key features of the solution include: 

Available models of care service operation

Comarch WristBand + Remote Care Centre + Mobile Application 

In this model, the Comarch WristBand user is under the round-the-clock care of the Remote Medical Care Centre, where qualified medical staff watches over their safety. In the event of a heart rate disorder, detection of a fall or after pressing the SOS button, rescuers contact the patient and, if necessary, send an ambulance. Relatives of the wristband wearer who use the mobile app still have access to the information collected by the device.

Comarch WristBand + Mobile Application

Stay in touch with your loved ones thanks to the Comarch CareMate application. How does the telecare system work? It’s easy. Simply pair your purchased WristBand with the app on your smartphone. This way, you will gain insight into current data on falls, heart rate, location and activity of your loved one. Make phone calls directly to your wristband, receive SOS signals, set medication reminders and stay connected.

As part of the Remote Care for the Elderly service, the patient receives

Comarch WristBand – implementation in related projects

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