Health in... a smartphone

Smartphone usage has become a daily reality, and mobile applications are breaking the trend in finance, fitness and e-commerce. Today, smartphone apps are a tool for building competitive advantage for entrepreneurs and healthcare providers. For the audience – an easy way to meet their needs – from entertainment to business.

They are also ideal for healthcare applications. Appointment with a doctor? Running the study diary? Remote monitoring of patience and their health status? Check out the Comarch Healthcare mobile application portfolio.


A mobile health center for patients. It allows easy recording of health measurements such as pressure, glycaemia, saturation and weight and worrying signs. Allows you to arrange and pay for medical visits, collect and file medical records electronically, and then conveniently share this information with your doctor either during your visit or remotely. A new feature of the application is that you can create a profile for your child. MojeZdrowie24 is an easy and convenient way to keep your health and your loved ones healthy. swoich najbliższych.

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Comarch HomeHealth

Comarch HomeHealth is a mobile application for patients who have been requested by a physician to monitor their health remotely. Guides you step-by-step through an individual schedule of tasks – completion of tests, taking medication, filling in medical surveys.
The application also performs a preliminary analysis of the measurement results using algorithms. The results in real time go to the telemedicine platform e-Care, that the medical staff have access to. The staff has an overview of the patient’s medical data, so they can monitor their health status on an ongoing basis.

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Comarch Life WristBand

An application dedicated for carers using a Comarch WristBand. Provides a convenient way to view the data collected by Life WristBand, such as locations, activity and heart rate, and creates a community of carers who can share a profile of the person they take care of. From the app, you can manage your device settings, such as changing your contact numbers, changing the volume of your WristBand, and calling the patient’s phone. Most importantly, the application displays notifications in alarm situations, such as pressing the SOS button on the WristBand. This allows the carer to respond much faster and to provide the right support.

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