What is Regional Medical Platform?

It is an integrated IT system created for medical centers and their establishing entities, which allows for medical data to be archived, processed and made available digitally, in connection with diagnostics and treatment. The concept of the Regional Medical Platform is a response to the growing need to ensure the efficiency and quality of medical units’operations and patients’ access to services. The increase in the volume of information about patients’ health, together with the need for data archiving or transfer between or within the centers, are important aspects of this.

The Regional Medical Platform operates as a cell between the P1 platform and medical centers. Another stimulus to improve healthcare services is posed by the need to ensure access to medical data regardless of the patients’ physical location. In the computerization of medical centers, remote medical care is a major priority. Information about patients’ health is transmitted via mobile devices, using the telecommunications infrastructure, to the medical center, allowing for quick analysis and remote medical assistance. All this makes it necessary to implement a universal integrated solution to allow digital data collection and sharing between medical centers operating and collaborating in a particular region. The system is addressed to regional government offices, which are the establishing entities for healthcare centers and are responsible for developing healthcare policy in the subordinate units. The system is aimed at supporting and ensuring access to medical services addressed both to patients and doctors, as well as to managers of public institutions.

e-Health services

In order to meet the expectations and changing needs for e-services in the healthcare sector, Comarch offers an innovative solution. The main objective is to ensure legally compliant opportunities for the generation, storage and transfer of medical documents within and between centers, while following high security standards. Comarch’s e-Health Regional Medical Platform model is based on regional and local repositories of digital medical documentation; therefore, the architecture of the solution envisages a system divided into regional and local layers. Both layers are connected by the data exchange interface, which constitutes a coherent, integrated system for digital medical documentation exchange.

e-Health services

The regional layer includes the following services

Health needs analysis and corporate governance
Services rendered via the Management Portal, which is a web application offering selected information, such as aggregated data required for the business of the establishing entities. Generation of analyses and data aggregation is based on the regional Business Intelligence system.
Services addressed to patients and doctors using telemedicine services, namely phone or online consultations. The intuitive system offers many benefits for the medical center, patients, administration department and center management.
24/7 contact with the medical center
Patients can contact the medical center throughout the day, seven days a week. The contact can be by phone or by e-mail.
Urgent interventions, calling an ambulance, ordering transport
Remote Medical Care alerts medical staff immediately in the event that a patient’s vital signs show cause for alarm. Staff can then contact patients to check their condition, or to give them instructions about how to deal with an emergency situation.
Integration with medical equipment
The service makes access to home measurement apparatus possible, so tests can be performed at home without the patient needing to visit to the medical center. The diversity of available equipment makes continuous care possible for patients with various conditions, including lung diseases, heart diseases, or diabetes.
Continuous monitoring and parameter analysis by medical staff
The health of patients is monitored continuously, by a 24/7 medical staff able to analyze vital parameters, contact patients to verify their condition, and summon help immediately in the event of a risk to life.
Medical documentation gathering and sharing
The service is executed with the aid of Regional Repository of Digital Medical Documentation, a regional database aggregating digital medical documentation provided by medical centers for sharing with patients, their authorized representatives, and doctors.
Teleradiological consultations
Executed with the aid of a teleradiological node, allowing the swift transfer and description of radiological tests to medical centers remote from the place in which the physical procedure is carried out.
Access to information on health and prophylaxis
Patients can obtain up to date information on prophylaxis campaigns, healthy lifestyle, and state of health calculators, as well as guides on preparations they need to make ahead of diagnostic or laboratory tests.

The local layer includes the following services:

Big Data in Healthcare

The Regional Medical Platform is based on the Business Intelligence system, which makes it possible to use data analysis, including big data. In healthcare, big data can be used in processes leading to the improvement of medical services used by patients. Data sets allow the creation of a decision support system, which contains a number of reporting and analytical tools based on web interface (access to the platform is ensured via an Internet browser).Owing to the application of functions offered by the platform, it is possible to improve the quality of business decisions, and to implement more effective business processes. In particular, the system allows report execution and building, data presentation in graphic form (tables and diagrams), analyses based on gathered aggregated data from local Business Intelligence systems, and visualization of current and historical data, as well as trends.

Examples of reports generated in the system

  • Analysis of tests requested in a particular period by ward, requesting person, and test type
  • List of consultations, allowing doctor workload analysis
  • Aggregation of data on test type and number, for example, by ward and by patient
  • Cost reports of consultations provided by the ward
  • Reports on costs in relation to drugs and materials
  • Reports presenting cost indices of particular patient groups and particular procedures
  • Cost reports on services completed
  • Cost reports on services completed
  • Determination of the profitability of particular medical centers on the basis of cost distribution
  • Listing of costs of patient treatment with valuated procedure
  • Simulation of service prices (such as according to Polish National Health Fund rate) and the normative costs of medical procedures executed in core and ancillary centers (for example, ECG)
  • Generation of reports and comparative listings, financial statements (profit and loss account, balance sheet) month to month, accrued, year to year, and for particular months

Corporate Governance

The reporting module makes possible the continuous monitoring of the achievement of strategic goals, including by observation of an entity’s progress against others with a similar profile (such as hospital wards, outsourcing services, drug and material management, etc.).Such comparative analyses allow the identification of key success factors and practices in the management of the medical center. The system supports “learning from the best” and evidence-based management by supplying fully credible management information. The informative value of indices generated on the basis of reports increases with the growth in the volume of data stored at the warehouse. Therefore, the greater the number of system parameters, the more meaningful the information for the healthcare manager in the region.

Examples of corporate governance indices

  • Profit on operations
  • Net result
  • Bed occupancy (by time)
  • Ward profitability
  • Doctors’ remuneration per bed
  • Work efficiency
  • Number of doctors’ working hours per man-day
  • Number of complaints
  • Ward revenue per hospitalization
  • Number of surgical procedures per surgeon
  • Costs of staff remuneration at the ward, against total costs of the ward

Perspectives for e-Health

The benefits of implementing Comarch e-Health Platform

The available and continuously developed technologies allow for the improvement of management and the quality of treatment processes, which directly affects the efficiency of medical centers' operations and the timeliness of service provision. Solutions in the e-health area ensure a customized and patient-oriented approach to healthcare. Implementation of the solution allows efficiency and effectiveness to be improved, while helping to reduce the number of errors and shorten the hospitalization period.

  • Benefits from the point of view of the healthcare system:

    • Improved quality of healthcare and patient safety
    • Ensuring continuity of healthcare
    • Improved access to healthcare services – via telemedicine services
    • Improvements in the area of healthcare systems management
    • Integration with central systems and regional e-health solutions
    • Optimization of expenditure in the healthcare sector
  • Benefits to medical staff and centers include:

    • Quicker and more secure sharing of medical data sharing among healthcare staff and medical centers
    • Improved access to the results of the latest medical tests
    • Improved quality of medical services
    • Improvements in work organization and medical center management

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