Comarch e-Consulant

Banks, public offices and other institutions have several issues in common – long lines, dissatisfaction shared by employees and customers, and rising costs of maintaining office space. We have a solution to help solve them! 

Comarch e-Consultant is a remote customer service system that enables secure transmission of sensitive data and caller identity verification. This means that employees can work remotely in a safe and efficient manner, allowing them to maintain proper work-life balance and reduce commuting time. Additionally, customers can use the new channel to handle their important matters without having to wait in long lines. What is even more important, virtual customer support is a major boon for people with disabilities. Managers will also enjoy being able to optimize the use of office space, lower the cost of utilities consumed, and improve security at work.

Who is the e-Consultant system for?

Comarch e-Consultant modules and functions

Administrator panel

  • Configuring the look of the site and adapting the system to reflect the corporate visual identification
  • Managing conversation topics (creating new ones and editing existing ones)
  • System user administration
  • Planning consultants' schedules and assigning topics
  • Setting the price list of meetings for paid services
  • Browsing reports and summaries of the meetings along with insight into their technical parameters 

Employee/consultant panel

  • Access to the schedule of consultations assigned to the account for a given day
  • Previewing information about customers with whom meetings are scheduled
  • Video consultations and phone consultations
  • Chat functionality, which enables exchanging documents with the customer

Customer panel

  • Available without creating a user account
  • Ability to select a topic that corresponds to the customer's needs
  • Automatic notification about a scheduled meeting with the possibility of cancelling it
  • Online payment options for meetings, in line with the price list set by the administrator

Benefits and advantages

Sales models

  • SaaS

Access to the system via a dedicated web address

  • On-Premises

The system can be installed on client devices meeting the technical requirements for server infrastructure

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Do you want to discuss in detail our services and products for the medical sector? Feel free to contact our consultants!

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