Comarch Concierge

This solution facilitates communication between the patient and the doctor outside of the doctor’s surgery. With this portal, medical staff have access to complete data concerning the patient’s state of health and can  monitor the treatment process remotely. The system allows some activities to be performed online, which shortens waiting times at medical facilities. Medical Concierge brings benefits for patients, as well as for medical staff.

System advantages

Benefits for patients

  • Remote registration for visits
  • Enables filling in all necessary documents before the visit – shortening time spent waiting to be seen by the doctor
  • Access to test results and recommendations from previous visits
  • Possibility to order prescriptions remotely
  • Opportunity to ask questions about test results remotely
  • Medical questionnaires
  • Health diary 
  • Consultations and advice provided online (chat, audio, video)
  • Extensive, reliable databank of medical knowledge
  • Personalized advice, based on the patient’s record of health and illness
  • Secure contact mailbox for communication with the doctor

Areas of application

  • Medical Personnel

    • Tracking a patient’s treatment
    • Quick response to worrying results of health surveys, allowing a patient to be sent test referrals or invitations to consultation
    • Online generation of test referrals
    • Gathering additional information to support the diagnosing process
    • Contact with the patient
  • Administration Department and Appointments

    • Reduced formalities
    • Shorter queues
    • Fewer appointments by phone
    • Minimized burden on staff
    • Online appointment scheduling to relevant specialists
    • Preparation and online transmission of recommendations for patients before hospitalization or specialist appointment
  • Medical Center Marketing Department

    • Targeting a relevant patient group (with specific ailments, from a specific doctor, or from a given location)
    • Tailoring an offer and services to specific patients’ needs, thanks to customized messages on the Portal
    • Patient satisfaction surveys
    • Gathering additional information to support the diagnosing process
    • Contact with the patient
  • Medical Center Management

    • Satisfied specialist staff
    • Satisfied patients
    • Reports allow services to be tailored
    • Implementation of the most up to date solutions, which reflect positively on the center’s prestige


    Remote consultations

    Selected groups of patients can participate in online consultations (chat, audio, or video) with doctors or other personnel (such as paramedics or midwives). It is possible to launch “ad-hoc” consultations (where the patient is placed in a queue) or “time-scheduled" consultations (where one needs to make an appointment). During consultations, file exchange (for example, with test results) is possible.

    Safe contact mailbox
    Apart from online consultations, patients can contact doctors using a safe contact mailbox, which is similar to e-mail.They can ask questions about their visits, measurements taken, test results, and more.

    Depending on individual needs, questions can be directed to the doctor in charge, another appointed specialist, or a dedicated dispatcher who will pass queries on to the relevant people. When answering questions, doctors receive access to context information (such as the patient’s history of visits) so does not need to switch between systems in search for information.

    Access to the option to ask questions is granted by the administrator, and is often limited to a selected group of patients to avoid having an excessive number of clients. Furthermore, it is possible to limit the time for asking questions, for example, up to three months from the date of a visit.

    Interviews are grouped in threads, with the entire communication being supported by the system of “new message waiting” notifications.

    Communication is encrypted, and for selected threads, can be additionally secured using a two-phase authentication that requires the input of a code sent by text message. This, unlike traditional e-mail, allows patients to receive information about their health via a safe mailbox.
    Insight into test results
    Patients can view test results, which can be presented in the form of documents from the laboratory, tables presenting aggregated data, or diagrams.

    Some tests route patients to the medical knowledge base, where they can read more on the topic.

    Selected groups of patients (depending on the profile and rights assigned) can also consult a doctor about their results directly. This is done via the Portal, using a contact mailbox or the online consultation system.
    Remote access to medical documentation
    Owing to integration with Comarch EDM, Concierge offers access to medical documents.
    It is possible for the administrator to limit information displayed to a doctor's recommendations, test results, and medication prescribed, or to make complete medical documentation available to a patient.
    Health Log
    Health Log is a virtual notebook to be individually completed by the patient, according to their doctor’s recommendations. The doctor will specify a set of factors (tests, drug administration, physical activity monitoring), so can insight into tests performed at home.

    The system gathers the data and presents it in diagrams, sends reminders about overdue tasks, and allows “alarms” where factors exceed a defined range of values.
    Medical questionnaires and surveys
    Patients can also provide additional information about their health, habits, and lifestyle by using the Health Survey. Its results are available to doctors in charge of treatment.

    It is also possible to make questionnaires and surveys available in order to assess a patient’s health condition and their risk of developing specific diseases. Upon providing answers to questions, patients receive a summary that includes a general assessment and suggestions for preventive measures, aimed at general health improvement.

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