Comarch has just published the latest slidecast focusing on challenges in the area of customer services in banking. The presentation is titled ‘Changes in Customer Needs. The Driving force of  Banking Innovation'.

The slidecast describes the influence of trends in modern channels of communication on changes in bank offers and on the related requirements of the modernization of IT systems. The presentation was originally delivered by Bartłomiej Kozakowski, Comarch's expert in the area of IT for banking, during the Banking Innovation Forum 2009 held in Vienna.

- In recent years we have observed  a stronger development of alternative communication channels between the bank and the client - says Bartłomiej Kozakowski. – The telephone internet, or a visit to the local branch are  more often substituted by the mobile and Web 2.0 solutions, like social portals. This also includes financial websites, podcasts, blogs, etc. The sharp increase in the number of channels of communication within the bank may effect the loss of coherence of offers and increase disorder in data. The solution is  process management systems based on the integration platform and BPMS (Business Process Management Suite).

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