Assessment of performance sources and the effectiveness of managed portfolios, in the light of selected benchmarks or the competition’s portfolios, is one of the key aspects of an efficient investment portfolio management policy.

The software is as good as the methods utilized in the Performance Measurement and Attribution module. Here is a list of the methods utilized in the Comarch Asset Management system:

Performance ratios:

  • Rate of return (arithmetic, logarithmic)
  • TWR, MWR
  • Alpha
  • Beta
  • Sharpe
  • Modified Sharpe
  • Tracking error
  • Information ratio
  • Jensen alpha
  • Sortino
  • Modgiliani-Modgiliani
  • Treynor

Attribution effects:

Equity portfolios (Brinson-Hood-Beebower / Brinson-Fachler):

  • Selection effect
  • Allocation effect
  • Interaction effect

Fixed-income portfolios:

  • Selection effect
  • Allocation effect
  • Interaction effect
  • Duration effect
  • Return impact
  • Yield change

Multicurrency portfolios (Karnosky-Singer):

  • Selection effect
  • Allocation effect
  • Interaction effect
  • Currency effect

Attribution methods:

  • Singleperiod
  • Multiperiods (Carino, Menchero)

You can download the brochure and learn more on the Comarch Asset Management: Performance Measurement and Attribution website.