Comarch has successfully completed the adjustment of the Comarch Internet Banking platform (commercially named Pl@net and BiznesPl@net) at Fortis Bank to meet the needs of the Fortis-Dominet merger.

Due to the merger, it became necessary to unify the IT systems of both banks. The migration of the e-Dominet internet banking users to the Pl@net system was vital for the integration process. Moreover, Comarch expanded the functional scope of the Fortis Bank internet banking platform.

- Preparations for the merger included the migration of the Dominet internet banking users to the Pl@net system, as well as designing and launching a new hardware platform necessary for servicing a larger group of clients. As a result of this extension, a modern hardware platform with geographically spread clusters was built providing an efficient, highly accessible and reliable system. In the database layer we implemented Oracle RAC and Oracle Active Data Guard - says Tomasz Zakrzewski, Senior Consultant at Comarch SA.

The migration and extension works proceeded according to schedule and were completed with success. Since August the Fortis internet banking service has been run on a new hardware platform. Currently, 40 thousand former e-Dominet clients can use one of the most advanced and user-friendly internet banking systems - Pl@net and BusinessPl@net.

The Comarch Internet Banking platform at Fortis Bank was awarded by Gazeta Bankowa in the 'IT Leader in financial institutions' contest in the 'Electronic Banking and e-finance' category.

More information on the Comarch Internet Banking platform.