As one of the sponsors, Comarch will attend the 23rd Crimean Theoretical and Practical ‘Asset Management: New Strategies under New Conditions’ Conference to be held in the Crimean ‘Yalta-Inturyst’ Hotel between the 18th and 21st of June. The conference is traditionally organized by the Ukrainian Association of Investment Business (UAIB).

This year’s edition of the UAIB conference will address the following issues:

  • Economics of Ukraine 2009-2010: Challenges and Chances
  • Legislative Innovations – New Opportunities for AMC
  • Collective Investment: Real Economy Focus
  • Stock Market Infrastructure – Directions of Improvement
  • Crisis Management – Actual Conditions

Participants will include representatives of the state regulatory agencies, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Government of Ukraine, National Bank of Ukraine, self-regulatory organizations of Ukraine, UAIB-members, other stock market professionals, as well as other international finance organizations, IT companies and domestic and foreign investors.

Comarch invites you to attend our expert’s presentation: ‘10 success factors contributing to asset management system implementation: the roles of a customer and supplier dedicated to the Comarch Asset Management solution.

To arrange a meeting with our Comarch expert during the conference, please contact our consultant.

Learn more about the conference here.