Comarch has signed a contract with Kredyt Bank for the implementation of the Comarch Factoring solution. This is yet another Comarch Factoring implementation project on the Polish market and yet another member of the KBC group that Comarch is to provide its solution for.

- The aim of the implementation is to ensure IT support for processes related to factoring transactions in Kredyt Bank and provide remote access for the bank’s customers including factorers and debtors. We hope that the Comarch Factoring implementation will help us expand our cooperation with Kredyt Bank - says Przemysław Drzymala, Sales Department Manager, Comarch SA.

- The Comarch Factoring platform implementation is a part of the bank’s liability discounting development strategy. The system will facilitate acquisition of new customers and affect the growth of the bank's innovative product offer. The solution will also provide important support of turnover growth, whereas integration of factoring processes with the bank's accounting system will help to improve factoring transaction handling - adds Michal Wierzchowiecki, Director of the Trade Finance Department, Kredyt Bank.

- The Comarch Factoring solution is based on extensive business knowledge acquired by Comarch during its long-term cooperation with financial institutions on international markets. Numerous factoring professionals shared their knowledge and experience with us, which we used it while creating the system. Comarch Factoring is being continuously developed according to the customer needs and latest market trends - emphasizes Krystian Suchodolski, Business Solution Manager, Comarch SA.

Comarch Factoring can be integrated with other Comarch web-based portals for a factorer and a debtor, as well as portals of other providers. The key advantage of the solution is easy access to the system through a web browser and no need to install any additional software on the user's computer.