Comarch has successfully implemented the factoring system in BGZ Bank (Rabobank Group). The solution allowed for the integration of the factoring process into the bank's accounting system, resulting in faster factoring transaction processing.

The new solution supports the BGZ Bank in turnover growth and sales revenue. Owing to the new factoring system, BGZ Bank is able to gain new clients more efficiently and extend the bank's product offer.

- Thanks to the Comarch Factoring implementation in BGZ Bank we have significantly simplified and shortened the discounting process and liability management. We have made our offer much more competitive -our product availability and service quality are higher. It has been appreciated by our clients and activated the sales of factoring products in our bank - says Maciej Radzki, Deputy Head of Service and Product Department, BGZ Bank. - We are expecting further growth of turnover - he adds.

The Comarch Factoring goal is to support the factor employees in handling factoring processes.

- The implementation in BGZ Bank significantly shortens the time needed for processing factoring transactions and automates most of the business processes connected with factoring. This approach allows the employees to reduce operational costs and focus on the bank's clients as well as to extend the offer - says Krystian Suchodolski, Business Solution Manager, Comarch SA.

Comarch Factoring can be integrated with other web portals provided by Comarch SA i.e. the factor, debtor and vendor portals. The key advantage of this solution is the user easy access to the system through a web browser with no need to install any software on a workstation.