European Private Banking Summit

Comarch will participate in the 9th edition of Private Banking Summit, which will take place in Zurich’s Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute on September 1st-3rd, 2010.

The European Banking Summit is one of the largest banking sector events in Switzerland. The conference consists of a cycle of specialist lectures, which will be dedicated this year to development of the banking sector following the financial crisis. During the event participants will look for answers to questions: Will international cross-border private banking for SME clients be worthwhile in the future? How can we meet the requirements of larger clients who are in need of tax-compliant investment solutions?

Agenda for European Private Banking Summit 2010:

  • 2020 vision: global wealth management in the 3D world
  • International cross-border private banking – the way forward
  • The end of the war for talent? Profile of the new advisors
  • New developments in the family office industry
  • Money rules the world: who rules the money?
  • National and international financial markets outlook: deflation, inflation, what comes next?

Major players from the Swiss and international private banking sector will take part in the conference – bank managers, asset management company representatives and independent financial advisors.

We kindly invite you to meet Comarch’s representatives: Joanna Kowalska - Key Account Manager and Bartosz Czyz - Business Solution Manager and discuss the relevant issues with them.

For more information, see: European Private Banking Summit 2010 >>