Analysis of the portfolio position enables a clear and quick preview of the current portfolio’s positions and calculated performance ratios (e.g. GIPS standards).

With a wide possibility of configuring tables and charts, the user can define aggregation levels (e.g. portfolio, security, currency, sector, issuer), the scope of the presented positions with self-defined filters, and calculated ratios and their parameterization list.

Comarch Asset Management software offers industry-standard methodologies and a high flexibility which reflects your investment process accurately. With an interactive interface, which allows you to drill-down the presented data, format a table’s columns and active work with created charts, it is easy to decompose performance and risk, based on your investment strategy as well as  understanding the sources of profit and loss.

Defined tables and charts can be grouped in views as a part of the user menu and exported to PDF reports.

It is possible to plan future analysis using the functionality of the scheduler and events notifications (to be carried out once or periodically). A chosen user group can be informed about the results of the analysis (e.g. excess the limit of tracking error).

Learn more about Performance measurement & attribution module of the Comarch Asset Management solution >>