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The secret to success in achieving a high position in the market of the world’s most effective insurers is digital transformation – the gradual but consistent replacement of outdated software. Thanks to transformation programs it becomes truly possible to put customers at the center and build the necessary services around them so that you can not only respond to their needs, but also get ahead of them.
You can modernize with us! We have both the solutions and the experience to do it right.
Software designed for insurance companies
We have effective and ready-made insurance systems with the possibility to customize and implement them within a few months (for standard implementation). The first ready-made functionalities can be set even earlier – within just a few weeks! It means that the first project solutions can start earning for you this early!
You can also count on our know-how and resources needed to implement the project on time. Thanks to previous implementations and carried out insurance industry digitized transformations we have refined all experiences and solutions so that they work for you.
We provide solutions in the most popular business areas:
We support the most popular business lines:
Our previous insurance industry transformation programs have brought the following benefits:
Increased Gross Written Premium
Insurance transformation makes the sales process easier and faster – this means more sales as well. It can be achieved, among others, by constantly working on improving the UI/UX. Statistically, the adoption rate for distributors can reach over 80% with a tendency to improve.
Higher Efficiency of Operations
Moving operations to cloud platforms allows to modernize and automate the most important processes, such as underwriting, claims management, etc. According to McKinsey, modernized insurance systems are much more productive than their outdated counterparts – insurers with updated IT achieve over 40% higher number of policies per full-time equivalent.
Saving Costs
Modern IT systems for insurers can significantly reduce costs. According to McKinsey, IT costs per policy for insurers with modernized IT can be 41% lower than for insurers with outdated IT. They are also easy to set up, less prone to errors and complex optimizations that risk business downtime. And with real-time digital capabilities, you can provide service to more customers and partners.
Improving the Quality of Customer Service
Users can receive information in real time. Current core systems enable faster responses to user requests by simplifying processes. Statistically speaking, modernized and improved digital system can maximize automation and Straight Through Processing (STP) up to even 80% in new business and managing existing contracts, with a tendency to improve.
You save time and money that would have been otherwise spent on producing the entire system from scratch. It is worth emphasizing that the cost of such project can be even several times higher when not using ready-made solutions. Don’t worry that such ready-made systems won’t fit your idea, because they can be customized – you can add your own branding, etc.
We support a step-by-step approach to modernizing legacy systems. We believe that it is better to divide the digital transformation process into phases.
So if during the implementation of modernization program you have systems still running and you don't want to replace them all at once, just choose the system you need to replace first. We will combine it with the existing ones and start preparing the next phase of your legacy systems modernization.
If you don't know where to start, ask us about transformation programs. We'll be glad to help.
Are you ready to talk?