Delivering a product is only the beginning
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- 2 min reading
By partnering with IT vendors, banks receive more than just a factoring software. As a global organization, we believe that the factoring software implementation doesn’t end with the finalization of technological assumptions, or migrating data to a new system.
To date, we have carried out a number of activities for our clients to support product implementations in the field of factoring. These included training new system users, educating end customers of banks, factors and other financial institutions on how to use the new tool, as well as extensive marketing support. Last month we had the opportunity to share our expertise in IT and the latest technologies with a team of employees from our partner — BNP Paribas Faktoring Polska.
We are happy that we, as Comarch, were able to go beyond the traditional implementation and participate in a webinar for our client. I always emphasize that an ongoing project does not end with just uploading the next functionality or the latest version of the system. In our view, every cooperation should give the client more. In this case, the added value is expert support in understanding IT issues and mutual exchange of experience.
Karol Leszczyński, Product Development Manager of Factoring at Comarch
The event initiator was Marcin Szindler, CIO of BNP Faktoring Polska.
Commenting on our joint webinar, I’d like to highlight its rare feature — two big companies talked about the not easy topic of artificial intelligence in a comprehensible manner. The message caught the interest of a sizable group of factoring employees who have little or nothing to do with IT on a daily basis. This proves that there is a demand for such knowledge, and also that our partner is able to deliver a "tailor-made" order.
Marcin Szindler, CIO at BNP Faktoring
As part of its joint activities, Comarch organized a webinar on the latest technologies in its "IT for the uninitiated" series. The goal of the webinar was to make a wider group of people on the factor’s side aware of what artificial intelligence is and the opportunities it brings us — including in our daily professional duties. "We are impressed by the interest in the subject matter and are glad that we were able to show the world of IT from an accessible perspective," says Karol Leszczyński, Product Development Manager at Comarch.