5 Scenarios of Digital Transformation in Banking

In today’s rapidly evolving financial landscape, digital transformation is essential for banks to stay competitive and meet customer demands. Our team of experts has identified five common scenarios banks face during their digital transformation journeys. Here, we explore these challenges and present solutions that leverage the Comarch Open Platform to address them effectively.

Outdated but Functional Banking Solution

Many banks are still using outdated but functional legacy systems. While they may work, they hinder the bank's ability to launch new products and integrate with modern fintech solutions, creating a barrier to innovation and growth.

Rather than undertaking a complete system overhaul, banks can implement Comarch Open Platform alongside their existing system. This allows for gradual modernization, enhancing fintech collaboration and driving business growth at a manageable pace. The platform can incrementally replace outdated components as the bank evolves, providing flexibility without disruption.

comarch open platform

New Banking Solution Needing Expansion

Some banks have recently implemented new solutions but are now looking to expand their offerings with additional products or features. However, they are hesitant to replace or disrupt their current systems.

Comarch Open Platform offers the agility to expand without replacing existing systems. Banks can use this platform to seamlessly integrate new features or services into their current setup, ensuring smooth scalability while maintaining system integrity. The platform's flexible architecture ensures that banks can grow without being restricted by their current technology.

Operating Two Businesses with Separate Systems

Banks operating multiple businesses often struggle with integrating separate systems, leading to inefficiencies and a disjointed customer experience. Customers may face difficulties managing multiple accounts or services under different platforms.

Comarch Open Platform bridges disparate systems, unifying the user experience with a single, cohesive login and interface. This solution ensures a more customer-friendly experience and allows businesses to combine functionalities, creating a streamlined, comprehensive platform that enhances service offerings and customer satisfaction.

operating two businesses

Outdated Solution with a Need for Ecosystem Expansion

Banking industry competitors are increasingly adopting newer solutions and expanding their ecosystems to offer a wider range of customer services. Banks with older systems risk falling behind in this trend.

To remain competitive, banks can start by adopting ready-made solutions from the Comarch Open Platform, which enables them to expand their offerings quickly and efficiently. For instance, banks can implement specialized solutions like Comarch Business Banking, Loan Origination, or Factoring without being locked into a single vendor. The platform’s open architecture fosters collaboration with fintech partners, ensuring banks can continue to grow and innovate.

In-progress Platform Development Needing Acceleration

Some banks are in the midst of developing their own platforms or enhancing existing ones but struggle to keep up with the pace of change in the market.

Comarch Open Platform offers a range of accelerators and ready-made modules that can help banks speed up development. From technical modules to comprehensive business solutions like digital sales support or borrowing portals, the platform provides tools to fast-track digital transformation. This ensures banks can maintain a competitive edge while continuing their platform development.

in-progress platform


Digital transformation in banking is a multifaceted journey, with each institution facing unique challenges. Whether your bank is working with outdated systems, seeking to expand, or looking to unify multiple solutions, the key lies in choosing the right partner. Comarch Open Platform offers the flexibility, scalability, and innovation needed to guide banks through this transformation, ensuring they stay ahead in a competitive market.

If you don’t see your specific scenario here, remember that every transformation story is unique. Reach out to us to discover how we can tailor our solutions to meet your needs. Explore our 10 essential features for a successful transformation solution here.

Anna Macherzyńska

Anna Macherzyńska

Product Marketing Manager

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