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Are you responsible for processing of warehouse orders?
Do you use a device of data collector type every day?
Is carrier handling in a warehouse a necessity?
Discover Comarch WMS Warehouseman!
Comarch WMS Warehouseman supports all physical warehouse operations. This tool, with a simple interface and clear messages, guides users step by step in the warehouse. The application works on handheld devices (terminals and data collators), which, with long range scanners, can reach the barcodes on any shelf in a high storage warehouse.
Comarch WMS Warehouseman supports such processes as:
Comarch WMS Warehouseman has many features designed specifically to optimize the speed of picking and increase the accuracy of packing a customer order. Clients’ orders from retail shops or e-commerce can be efficiently processed in the warehouse by using:
Operations performed by warehouse operatives using the application are logged and displayed in Comarch WMS Management, so that the supervisor can respond easily to delays in preparing shipments and check complaints filed by customers.
Clear and comprehensible information on what an employee should do in any given step of warehouse order processing clearly contributes to:
Determine your business needs. We will offer you a dedicated solution.