Digitization in Polish. How are companies changing?

Digitization in Polish. How are companies changing?

Digital transformation is no longer a choice for companies, but is becoming a necessity. Competition is not sleeping, and rising customer expectations are stirring up the need for companies to digitize their business processes. After all, as the data shows, 64% of organizations rate their level of digital advancement as either high or very high. On the other end, however, there are numerous challenges that cause problems in the successful implementation of innovation in companies. How to overcome them?

For 84% of companies in Poland, digital transformation is a high priority, and 18% of organizations are allocating up to 20% of their revenues to this purpose. Such optimistic data comes from the latest report by research firm EY Poland, "Digital Transformation 2024"

Not for all organizations digitization means the same thing. Depending on your needs, the goal of your transformation efforts may be: to increase efficiency, look for growth opportunities, reduce costs, build an edge in the industry or meet customer needs.

Three times "yes" to digital transformation

For the vast majority of companies, digital transformation is essential to remain competitive in the market – says Sebastian Smiatek, Comarch ERP business solutions consultant.

First, global digitization is forcing companies to reach external stakeholders (counterparties) and internal stakeholders (employees) through digital channels. Second, artificial intelligence (AI) and RPA (robotics and process automation) mechanisms available in IT systems can, at a relatively lower cost, significantly accelerate and optimize enterprise operations. Third, traditional methods of increasing a company's capacity, such as investing in new machinery or hiring new employees, can prove to be much less effective and economically viable than investing in modern IT systems – the specialist adds.

What are Polish companies most likely to invest in as part of their digital transformation? According to the aforementioned report, areas such as cyber security, cloud solutions and employee training are at the forefront. 20% of organizations also invest funds in ERP systems, which often represent the strength of the organization, its technological progress and ability to expand its market advantage.

Not only ERP

Comarch has been developing business process management software tailored to the size of a given enterprise for decades. Comarch ERP XT or Comarch ERP Optima are software designed for companies mainly in the SME sector, while Comarch ERP XL or Comarch ERP Enterprise are systems for large organizations, mainly in the manufacturing, logistics or trade sectors.

Comarch, however, provides not only classic ERP systems, but also - in accordance with the proprietary idea of ERP 5.0 - a number of applications and integrated modules that provide companies with flexibility of operation and increase competitiveness in the market.

In order to meet the needs of customers and support their growth, Comarch is systematically expanding its ERP 5.0 product portfolio, which provides an integrated flow of information within an enterprise. Comarch HRM or DMS solutions enable flexible management of communication with employees and optimal management of the flow of documents and tasks in the organization. With the help of Comarch e-Store, POS and Mobile tools, the company can implement multi-vector online or stationary sales, according to the Unified Commerce methodology. Comarch WMS, APS, MES and Shipping modules optimize the logistics and production processes of the company. In addition, individual Comarch tools are equipped with AI and robotization algorithms – lists Sebastian Smiatek.

Digitization - yes, but...

However, companies are not always fully satisfied with the results of implementations. When implementing solutions, they encounter problems and doubts, the biggest of which are costs that are too high, postponement of digitization decisions or shortcomings in the competence of teams. 

Moreover, 67% of companies implement such projects on their own or with little support from consultants. And it is often the right care when introducing digital products that proves crucial in achieving the expected results.

The gap between companies' optimism in implementing digital solutions and the results achieved may be due to, among other things, competency deficits within the organization. With a high level of technological development, companies cannot keep up in hiring new specialists responsible for the transformation. However, as the data shows, despite the problems and obstacles that come their way, they are not indifferent and are trying to patch up skills-related gaps. That's why they are investing in training for employees, acquiring new entities or using outsourcing and external partners. 

Comarch, from the initial phase of the digitization project, conducts a dialogue with the enterprise regarding needs, strategic goals and division of competencies – says Sebastian Smiatek. – This allows for the creation of an appropriate project team, consisting of Comarch specialists who, with their experience, can advise on how to optimize individual processes in the enterprise using Comarch ERP IT tools. One should also emphasize the fact of access to Comarch's partner network, which consists of several hundred certified companies competent in implementing Comarch ERP tools. This allows an enterprise the freedom to choose a partner in the process of informatization, as well as the wide availability of specialists and competencies in various areas of company digitization – he adds. 

Implementations with entry to the next level

The positive effects of outsourcing digital transformation are demonstrated by examples of Comarch customer implementations. For years, the company has been helping companies build competitiveness by providing software with applications tailored to their needs. This was the case of Gerda, a manufacturer of doors or garage doors, where the implementation of Comarch ERP XL made it possible to shorten the process of completing orders twice and simplify the circulation of documents. 

Great results are also being reported by the popular restaurant chain Whiskey in The Jar, which uses Comarch ERP Optima. The program allows employees to automate the sending and receiving of invoices, while Business Intelligence modules, present in the system, predict production costs, analyze advanced data and anticipate market challenges.

Author of the text 

Adrian Burtan

Adrian Burtan
Public Relations Specialist

He has been working at Comarch Group since 2022. Previously, he was associated with the wszystko.pl project, where he was responsible for content creation, implementation of content marketing and communication activities. Currently, he is responsible for the Public Relations area in the Comarch Enterprise Solutions sector, where he is in charge of, among other things, contacting and building relations with the media, conducting image campaigns and preparing press materials. He is a graduate of journalism and management in sports at Jagiellonian University.

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