Comarch Capital Group Anti-Corruption Policy

Comarch Capital Group Anti-Corruption Policy

I. Introduction
II. The purpose of Anti-Corruption Policy
III. Definitions
IV. Principles of Anti-Corruption Policy
V. Methods of implementing the Anti-Corruption Policy in the Comarch Group
VI. Reporting corruption threats
VII. Corruption risk assessment and monitoring of compliance with the Anti-Corruption Policy

I. Introduction

Comarch S.A. and all entities within the Comarch Capital Group ("Comarch Group") comply with the applicable regulations as part of their operations, including legal provisions and ethical standards aimed at preventing any acts of corruption. As an IT market leader, the Comarch Group feels obliged to promote its operations in a transparent and responsible manner with respect to the highest ethical standards. Responsibility for achieving this goal applies to all employees, associates and representatives of the Comarch Group.
The Comarch Group adopts a zero tolerance policy for any corrupt behavior.
This Anti-Corruption Policy has been approved by the Management Board of Comarch S.A. and adopted for use by all entities within the Comarch Group.
This Policy applies to all employees, associates and representatives of the Comarch Group and companies of the Comarch Group make every effort to notify its principles to all persons performing any services on behalf or in favor of the Comarch Group. These persons have an obligation to ensure compliance of their actions with local, national and international law as well as legal provisions applicable to conducted operations, taking into account the principles covered by this Anti-Corruption Policy and anti-corruption regulations contained in the Comarch Capital Group Code of Conduct.
Furthermore, the Comarch Group supports and encourages its clients, business partners and suppliers, to be guided in their actions by ethical principles, integrity and compliance with applicable law, including in particular preventing any sign of corruption.
Ethical and responsible business conduct is the main and basic principle guiding the Comarch Group as part of its business.

II. The purpose of Anti-Corruption Policy

The purpose of the Anti-Corruption Policy is to establish rules and standards of conduct in the Comarch Group aimed at preventing and responding to activities that may have signs of corruption. For this purpose, the Comarch Group establishes a set of rules to apply, defining a catalog of unacceptable behaviors that may be corruption cases.
The Anti-Corruption Policy in the Comarch Group defines the procedure to be followed in the event of a corruption threat or behavior with signs of corruption.
The Policy is supplemented by the Guidelines on Preventing Corruption in the Comarch Group, containing detailed rules of conduct for employees, associates and representatives of the Comarch Group aimed at preventing the occurrence of corruption threats and responding to any signs of corruption.
Comarch Capital Group Anti-Corruption Policy is also addressed to all stakeholders of the Comarch Group (i.e. clients, suppliers, subcontractors and all business partners) by setting standards of conduct in business relations with stakeholders.
Principles determined in this Policy complement the provisions of national and international law in the field of counteracting corruption, and the obligation to comply with these provisions applies to every employee, colleague and representative of the Comarch Group.

III. Definitions
Corruptive behavior occurs when a person who wants to achieve a goal for themselves, for the entity or the person he represents promises, proposes or gives a material benefit (i.e. a benefit, which value can be expressed in money, understood both as an increase in the value of the property and a reduction of liabilities to encumbered assets) or a personal (understood as a non-material benefit improving a person's situation) to a person, who holds public office or performs important functions in business transactions in order to achieve this goal. It is not important whether such actions are taken personally or with help of the intermediaries.

Among the most common corrupt activities are, in particular:

  • bribery – including two variants: passive (inducement, extortion, consent to receive benefits, acceptance of benefits) and active (offer, promise to give or give benefits).
  • using public/company funds and property for private or personal benefits,
  • influence peddling / influence trading – understood as to invoke influence in an institution with public funds or evoke a conviction or confirming another person's belief in the existence of such influences, including proposing (active influence peddling) or seeking (passive influence peddling) mediation in settling the matter in exchange for financial or personal gain or promise to receive it.
  • irregularities regarding public procurement proceedings, obtaining contracts, concessions or permits as well as decisions of the courts and public administration authority,
  • to shirk the duties resulting from generally applicable law, including in particular customs and tax obligations,
  • conscious, unlawful disposal of public funds,
  • favoritism, nepotism, cronyism and other illegal practices in the area of employee relations.
    Prohibited activities having signs of corruption are defined by generally applicable law, including in particular regulations of the Penal Code.

IV. Principles of Anti-Corruption Policy
Transparency of actions and zero tolerance for corruption

All employees, associates and representatives of the Comarch Group follow the applicable law and the Code of Conduct adopted in the Comarch Group, applying the principle of zero tolerance for corruption and influence peddling in all aspects of their business.

In accordance with the adopted Anti-Corruption Policy, it is prohibited for employees, associates and representatives of the Comarch Group to take any of the following actions, both in internal and external relations, regardless of whether they are undertaken directly or through other people:

  • bribery,
  • inducement or extortion,
  • influence peddling,
  • legalizing revenues from corruption activities,
  • participation in bid rigging, i.e., involvement in any form of illegal cooperation among bidding participants aimed at violating fair competition rules.

Employees, associates and representatives of the Comarch Group may not offer, grant, promise, demand or accept any financial or personal gains:

  • which could be seen as unlawful, unethical or inappropriate,
  • which purpose is to influence the terms of the transaction,
  • granted in cash or its equivalent (e.g. gift cards, vouchers).

It is forbidden to give gifts or do favors outside of standard business relations in favor of current or future clients, their employees, agents or other persons (among others for government officials) with whom a given company of the Comarch Group has contractual relations or with whom it intends to negotiate a contract.

Representation and trips offered or provided to employees of the Comarch Group in connection with their business activities should be modest and clearly aim to facilitate business talks. Business representation in form of refreshments and drinks is allowed as long as it complies with local law, Comarch Group policies and procedures regarding representation, sales, general and administrative costs, takes place with a reasonable frequency and as far as possible - is reciprocal.

Gifts in form of money are strictly prohibited, and if they are offered, they must be refused to accept.

All promotions (e.g. discount programs) and contests with prizes take place in accordance with this Policy and generally applicable legal provisions. Handing over gift cards, vouchers, etc. to customers and business partners is only possible based on the regulations of promotions and competitions conducted by an entity within the Comarch Group.

The Comarch Group maintains accounting books and financial policy in a transparent manner and in accordance with applicable law. It is forbidden to use, including placing on the market, false documents and invoices, as well as entering incorrect, ambiguous or misleading accounting entries. It is prohibited to use any procedures, techniques or accounting solutions that would be aimed at making or accepting illegal payments.

Compliance with international law and conventions
Comarch Anti-Corruption Policy anticipates that entities from the Comarch Group will comply with both national and international anti-corruption laws in their operations, including the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption of the Council of Europe. Entities of the Comarch Group in countries where local anti-corruption regulations are in force, such as the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) or the UK Bribery Act, ensure compliance with and application of such local laws.

V. Methods of implementing the Anti-Corruption Policy in the Comarch Group

The Comarch Group conducts activities aimed at raising awareness of existing corruption threats by conducting regular training for employees, associates and representatives.

The Comarch Group has prepared and implemented for use the Anti-Corruption Guidelines in the Comarch Group, which supplements and provides with details Anti-Corruption Policy by providing guidelines for employees, associates and representatives of the Comarch Group in the area of recognizing corruption threats, eliminating them and responding to every recognised act of corruption. Each employee, associate and representative of the Comarch Group is obliged to comply with the adopted Guidelines.

The Comarch Group has a mechanism for reporting cases of corruption and influence peddling as well as crimes or frauds related to accounting, internal control and audit.

The Comarch Group conducts due diligence analysis towards clients, suppliers and business partners in terms of assessing the risk of corruption and money laundering, before engaging in business relations with such entities. The requirements addressed to suppliers of the Comarch Group were also specified in the Supplier Sustainability Policy.

The Comarch Group have created, maintains and follows internal quality management procedures aimed at ensuring that business is conducted in a manner with accepted national and international standards.

It is the responsibility of all employees, associates and representatives of the Comarch Group to avoid situations and activities that may lead to corruption. Non-compliance by employees, co-workers and representatives with requirements of the Anti-Corruption Policy and the Anti-Corruption Guidelines in the Comarch Group will be treated as a violation of employee obligations and may result in both disciplinary and criminal responsibility under applicable law.

VI. Reporting corruption threats

Comarch Group has implemented a whistleblowing system that allows for the reporting of legal violations and breaches of internal procedures, including the principles of the Anti-Corruption Policy, through dedicated channels. These reports can be made either anonymously or openly, depending on the preference of the reporting individual. They are processed in accordance with an internal procedure that ensures confidentiality and protection against retaliation for those reporting violations in good faith.

Each report is analyzed and reviewed according to applicable standards, and details of this process are available to employees in the procedure provided on the internal information platform.

All notifications will be reviewed and carefully examined. Detailed investigation procedure are carried out for notifications in which the liability of the collective entity may occur.

VII. Corruption risk assessment and monitoring of compliance with the Anti-Corruption Policy

The Management Boards of the Comarch Group undertake to regularly assess compliance with the principles contained in the Anti-Corruption Policy, including ad hoc assessment of each of the reported irregularity. Based on monitoring of compliance with the provisions of the Policy, its content will be updated both when such need is noticed and on the basis of conclusions obtained.
The Comarch Group will also regularly carry out a risk assessment of corruption events, comprising all persons or entities to which this Anti-Corruption Policy is addressed.